This is the detailed info and prices. Do take note that some of the info mentioned in this page may change in future.
The price varies due to the complexity and other specific reason.

60-100+ USD
Focused on face and expression
Some parts might be rough
Background add 30±

150-200+ USD (no bg)
Focus on body and appeal
Background add 50±

300~500 USD (no bg)
Won't always fit all parts of the body due to framing and composition
Background will add 50-100
I can do male and female
My artstyle can varies between semi-realistic to semi-anime style
Any skin colour is fine
Armor, mecha, cloth, any specific material is fine to me
OC and other fictional character is also fine if provided visual reference
Muscular, beefy, thicc body is fine as long as not too extreme
Perspective is okay but not too extreme
I don't do NSFW , sexy and lewd is fine as long as no nude or sexual intercourse involved
No gore, injured is fine
No minors
No furry
No real people
Once you have decided, you can contact me through Twitter DM and please briefly describe/provide [commission type][w/w out bg][character personality][character reference]
After we have agreed on the sketch, full payment through Paypal must be made to start the progress, late payment will lose you the slot to other commissionee.
20% base price discount on certain SSBU and Nintendo character.
Other than that (& OC) are priced as stated.
Additional Character adds 70% base price
Thank you for reading! For any question feel free to ask me in the DM <3
End of Commission Details sheet